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Responsible Action Protocol

The University recognizes that even well-meaning students may make decisions that 没有表现出与他人共同生活的责任感. 本协议的目的是为学生提供指导和鼓励, 即使是那些违反社区标准的人,也要以有益的方式行事 and care for fellow students who may be in physical or emotional danger.

在大学生涯的某个阶段,学生们可能会发现自己面临一个道德问题 两难的境地. Some combination of poor choices might result in a situation involving alcohol 醉酒,吸毒过量,性行为不端或人身攻击,学生 ends up in serious need of medical treatment or professional assistance.

在学生寻求适当帮助的情况下,博彩网址大全认为 such actions, first and foremost, as responsible health and safety interventions. 大学已接受以下负责任的行动议定书,并希望如此 will help alleviate students' concerns about seeking help for endangered students and therefore promote responsible action on the part of all students.

For the purposes of this protocol, the following definitions apply:


任何身体或精神安全受到损害并有紧急需要的学生 医疗评估和可能的治疗或其他专业支持和帮助. The sources of impairment may be, but are not limited to, alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, sexual assault, or physical assault.


Any student trying to assist an "濒临灭绝的学生" by seeking help.

在学生为有危险的学生寻求帮助的情况下,大学 在决定资助学生的行为时是否会考虑其积极影响 any corresponding disciplinary actions. The University will strive to balance the 协助学生应对导致紧急情况的一系列选择. 在大多数情况下,援助学生不会被收取任何社区标准 违反. In other cases, when the assisting student's actions prior to seeking 帮助对濒危学生的处境起到了消极的作用,有些教育意义 需求(我.e., drug/alcohol assessment, reflection paper, counseling, etc.), 可能会被强加.

毫无疑问,当一个援助学生负责地帮助一个濒临灭绝的人 学生,这样的行为将被视为积极的大学在决定 whether any conduct actions, including parental notification, are required. 在这种情况下 曾发生严重或恶劣事件(特别是涉及严重 injury, assaults, damage, etc.), assisting students may be held accountable with 正式的社区标准行动,但大学将考虑协助 在决定任何制裁时,学生寻求援助的努力作为减轻处罚的因素.

Helping an endangered student does not provide the assisting student with blanket 国际特赦组织. Students who demonstrate consistent and repeated patterns of engaging in 有危险的行为或对危险学生的状况有贡献的人可能会 be subject to disciplinary action, medical review and/or treatment. 未能完成 要求或制裁可能会被学生办公室视为行为问题 Responsibility and 社区标准. The RAP does not preclude or prevent action by police or other legal authorities. Students may be held accountable for misconduct and/or damages accompanying the use and/or abuse of alcohol or other substances.

在紧急情况下不采取负责任行动的学生失去了所有的保护 under the RAP and may be held responsible for contributing aggravating factors in a 社区标准 proceeding. Failure to act responsibly may lead to serious consequences 当这种不作为导致违反大学的规章制度或 政策.

Frequently Asked Questions about RAP

How does the Responsible Action Protocol (RAP) work?

在紧急情况下,特别是在怀疑酒精或药物过量的情况下 其他医疗照顾可能是必要的,负责任的学生被要求采取 以下步骤:

  • 致电DPS(314)977-3000和/或联系住房和居住生活工作人员 立即.
  • Stay with the individual needing assistance (unless it is unsafe to do so).
  • 与现场的应急人员和学校官员充分合作 事后.
If students follow the RAP does that mean that no conduct action is taken?

In many cases, the answer is yes; however, assisting students may be required to meet with University official(s) and complete educational or developmental exercises.

在发生更严重或更恶劣事件的情况下(特别是那些 involving severe injury, assaults, damage, etc.), assisting students may still be 须采取正式的行为行动,但学校会考虑学生的努力 to summon aid as a mitigating factor when assessing possible sanctions.

Does this protocol protect the endangered student from sanctions?

RAP旨在减少援助学生对立即要求的担忧 emergency assistance by eliminating or lessening the University's conduct actions for students involved in the situation. In situations where help is sought, a student's 寻求帮助的决定将被认为是有利的,并将在任何决定中被考虑 to pursue possible conduct action.


学生责任和社区标准办公室(OSRCS)维护学生 纪律记录. In accordance with the federal Family Educational Rights and 隐私法(FERPA)和大学政策,在大多数情况下,信息来自 学生的违纪记录只有在下列情况下才能与他人分享 given consent to do so. If you act in accordance with the RAP and no conduct action 由OSRCS收集,有关事件的信息将不包含在其中 of your student disciplinary record. If you are a witness and your name is in the 涉及其他学生的事故报告,你的名字会被删除 prior to the record being shared unless the request is made via a subpoena.


Students are always encouraged to look after and care for their friends and peers and are expected to take responsible actions at all times. The OSRCS will inquire 进一步,如果学生滥用RAP以避免被追究责任 for actions that are in violation of the 社区标准. In addition, a student 谁证明了这种行为的持续和重复的模式可能需要进一步的研究 assessment and/or intervention. 未能完成 such referrals will be treated 作为一个行为问题.

Will my parents find out?

Possibly, but not necessarily. The University reserves the right, consistent with 家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA),联系家长或监护人 未满21岁的学生违反了学校有关饮酒的规定 or drugs or where there is a health or safety emergency.


No. The Responsible Action Protocol only applies to University conduct action; it does not prevent or preclude police or other legal actions.

负责任的行动协议是否涵盖学生俱乐部/组织,兄弟会, 和女学生联谊会?

Yes, in certain situations. Student clubs/organizations, including 兄弟会 and sororities (herein referred to as "student groups"), are held to a high standard, 而遵从RAP不应被解释为学生团体逃避的方式 conduct actions altogether.

For more information, visit the 2023-2024 学生手册.