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Alcohol Edu是一个以研究为基础、对学生友好的在线酒精教育项目 旨在帮助学生在大学里对酒精的使用做出健康的决定. The program takes about two hours to complete and includes information on:

  • 关键定义概述
  • 神话与误解
  • 酒精和动力
  • 标准的饮料
  • 血液酒精浓度
  • 饮酒者的关键策略
  • 对不饮酒者的关键策略
  • 旁观者干预技巧
  • 学术脑科学
  • Media literacy and expectations
  • 酒精和法律
  • 大学,酗酒和压力

Part one 的 course takes about two hours to complete. 所有大一新生和转学生都是本科生 must complete this by Wednesday, August 23, 2023. Please check your University email for a link (or button) to complete this assignment. 

Students who complete part one 的 course will receive a separate email in the fall (October) notifying them to complete part two by Friday, October 27, 2023. 

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy

1989年的无毒学校和社区法案修正案要求博彩网址大全 证明学校已采纳并实施预防药物和酒精滥用的方案 as a condition of receiving federal funds and financial assistance. 作为天主教徒 致力于通过教育和改进来寻求真理的耶稣会机构 博彩网址大全为所有人的世俗和精神幸福所做的贡献 促进远离毒品和酒精的校园环境的长期政策 滥用.

根据1989年《博彩网址大全》和 博彩网址大全的天主教耶稣会使命,这一政策重申了大学的 commitment to maintaining an environment that is free of impairment and conducive 对所有人的身体、情感、心理和精神的发展.


博彩网址大全禁止非法制造,分销,销售,持有 或在其处所内或作为任何大学活动的一部分使用非法药物或酒精. Conduct involving prescription drugs that have not been prescribed by a physician 会被视为违规吗. This policy supplements and does not limit rules of 与酒精或毒品有关的行为在其他官方大学公布 出版物.


提醒前往国外参加海外学术课程的学生 他们可能因吸毒和酗酒而受到逮捕和法律制裁 under the 法律法规 of that country or institution, in addition to the University sanctions described in the University 社区标准.


以下酒精政策和指南设定了酒精使用的参数 will reflect this increasing awareness of concern for us and each other:

  • 根据密苏里州法律和当地法令,未成年人不得进入 第21条可购买或企图购买或管有任何酒类 or intoxicating beverage on 校园 or at University activities.
  • 21岁以上在校园内饮用含酒精饮料; 在宿舍必须遵守住房和居住生活指南,是吗 只允许在那些已明确批准的学生活动或地点 由学生参与中心提供,并且只在大学允许的地点提供 有执照.
  • 大学基金不得用于支付任何有酒精的活动的任何部分 may be provided, served to or consumed by minors.
  • 校园活动的食品和饮料必须与Dine博彩网址大全安排。 谁有责任核实购买人士的合法性 或者获得酒精. No food or beverages may be brought to an event by an outside caterer except with special authorization.
  • 监督和强制遵守政策和指导方针是责任 的 公共安全部 (DPS) for outside 事件 和 director/manager 的 building for inside 事件. 合规 with the policy in the residence halls and University-owned/managed housing is the 住房和居住生活主任以及居住生活主任的职责 工作人员.
  • University departments and student organizations also may impose additional, more stringent restrictions on the use and distribution of alcohol by their members.
  • 作为一所天主教耶稣会教育机构,博彩网址大全期望自己的学生 to develop a responsible philosophy on the appropriate use of alcoholic beverages. 大学鼓励学生考虑饮酒和吸烟的所有影响 to arrive at a conscientious decision about how they will personally use alcohol.


持有、使用及分销兴奋剂、镇静剂、麻醉品或致幻剂 drugs, other illegal agents having potential for 滥用, except for a properly 根据学校规定,禁止使用指定医生或牙医的处方 and local, state and/or federal law. In addition, the 滥用 of legal substances may also be considered a violation of University policy, e.g. 一氧化二氮,鞭子. 在博彩网址大全校园内禁止使用、拥有和进行此类行为, or as part of any University activity. Selling, bartering, exchanging or giving away such substances to any person is illegal and prohibited. 任何从事此类活动的学生 活动可能会报告给执法人员,并将受到严厉的处罚 action, including but not limited to suspension or dismissal. 请参阅 2.7.参见《博彩网址大全》第13条,了解有关构成的更多信息 a violation 的 University’s drug policy.


2018年,密苏里州将医用大麻合法化(19 CSR 30-95)。. 2022年11月,密苏里州通过了一项修改州的投票倡议 宪法使购买、占有、消费、使用、交付、制造合法化 and sale of marijuana for personal use for adults over the age of 21. 然而, possession or use of marijuana remains an offense under the Controlled Substances 法案,联邦法律. Saint Louis University is obligated to comply with all federal 法律法规. In order to remain in compliance, Saint Louis University will 不允许在校园内或在大学赞助的场所拥有或使用大麻 事件, regardless of age, will not permit the possession or use of marijuana 在教育或其他由圣路易斯赞助、实施或授权的活动中 大学或其学生组织,无论是校内或校外,在任何校园内 housing, or in any other University buildings or other property. 任何使用 或在校园里持有大麻,无论年龄大小,都将被移交给办公室 of Student Responsibility and 社区标准. The 公共安全部 (DPS)将没收并处理在校园内发现的任何属于学生的大麻 不满21岁的. The 公共安全部 will confiscate marijuana found on 校园 belonging to Students over the age of 21 for a period of no longer than 48小时. Students over the age of 21 may request to retrieve 他们的大麻 from DPS在这段时间内,只要他们在校外找到一个存储地点 他们的大麻. 

博彩网址大全禁止使用,拥有,制造,销售,种植, purchase with the intent to distribute, distribution of marijuana and other drugs, and storage of marijuana and other drugs by students, faculty, 工作人员, visitors 在博彩网址大全的所有校园和财产,以及所有大学赞助的 事件.


No. Even if it is legally obtained under Missouri state law, marijuana is prohibited 从大学校园.

Is medical cannabis allowed on 校园?

No. Medical cannabis, even if obtained through a medical provider, is prohibited from 校园.

If I legally buy marijuana in Illinois, can I transport it to Missouri?

No. Transporting marijuana over state lines is a federal crime.

Can I use marijuana if I do not live on 校园?

Marijuana is prohibited on 校园. If you use marijuana off-校园, you are responsible to determine under what circumstances it is legal and safe to do so.


涉嫌违反大学毒品政策的行为将提交学生办公室处理 Responsibility and 社区标准 for resolution. 参考 学生手册 了解更多信息.

Who can I talk to about substance use?

Saint Louis University students have access to the 大学心理咨询中心学生健康中心. 大学咨询中心还提供大学康复社区(CRC) 以及Sober@博彩网址大全,为康复中的学生和他们的盟友提供安全和欢迎的环境 网络. More information can be found online at the Collegiate Recovery Community at 博彩网址大全