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Women's Commission Grants

博彩网址大全妇女委员会提供多种资助机会 领导力、专业发展和社区影响项目. 

Sister Shirley Kolmer Memorial Grant

Through a competitive grant funding process, the Sister Shirley Kolmer Memorial Grant 是否会在经济上支持个人的领导力发展机会 支持提高妇女地位的社区影响项目.


In 2016, the Saint Louis University Women's Commission established the Sister Shirley Kolmer Memorial Grant with initial endowed support from an anonymous Women's Commission 1994年的成员和年度女性奖得主.

雪莉·科尔默修女纪念基金的目的是支持这项使命 of the Women's Commission, which is to educate, enrich, and empower the women of Saint 通过提供资金机会来培养他们的个人 and professional development.

Giving Criteria

The Women's Commission has an interest in funding projects, programs, and leadership opportunities that promote the interests, issues, and concerns of the women at Saint Louis University in two strategic areas:

  1. Individual Leadership Development
  2. Community Impact for the Advancement of Women


  • 配合妇女事务委员会的使命和策略方向
  • 项目、计划或领导机会对个人或集体的影响 the community
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Validity of proposed budget and budget narrative
  • Quality of written proposal
  • Women's Commission's budget

 妇女事务委员会资助委员会将审核所有拨款申请 and make recommendations to the Women’s Commission president or executive board for final approval. 


All members of the Saint Louis University community, with the exception of students 本学年毕业,欢迎申请. Members include any 博彩网址大全的学生、教师或工作人员.

Award Amount

妇女事务委员会打算每年至少资助一个项目. Sister Shirley 科尔默纪念基金将在竞争的基础上颁发,并根据 amount of funds available. 申请人可提交拨款申请 annually; however, Sister Shirley Kolmer Memorial grants are single-year awards only. 多年期资助承诺将不予颁发.

In the past, the Women's Commission funded individual requests in the range of $500 to $1,000. 这个范围可以作为你申请资金的一般指导方针; however, the amount that you request is at your discretion and should reflect an amount 适合对您的项目或计划产生影响.

Grant Process and Timeline

Download the grant application and submit it electronically to Alexis Bruce-Staudt, grants committee chair, at 申请人每财政年度只能提交一份提案. Email subject fields 应该读“姓和名:雪莉·科尔默修女纪念基金?." Include a copy of your resume or CV.

Applications are due by 5 p.m. CST on Friday, February 23, 2024.


Individual Development Application (PDF)

Grant Recipient's Obligations

在资助期结束时,即当年6月30日,提交一份书面报告 the work is completed, which provides a status of the project/program, measures success and impact based on details outlined in the grant application and gives an accounting of the project budget.

Present an overview of the funded project, program or leadership opportunity, along 其结果和对执行委员会的影响.

Attend the recognition luncheon to be celebrated for receiving the grant and attend, as requested in future years, to be recognized for completion of the grant requirements.

Willingness to promote the award, including, but not limited to, photos, interviews or social media posts.

Acknowledge funding support by the Women's Commission in written materials pertaining 对项目/计划和在项目/计划的演示期间.

Terms and Conditions

Grant recipients agree to allow the Women's Commission to publicize their name, award amount, and description of their funded project, initiative, or leadership opportunity.

In performing any activities reasonably related to a sponsored project, all parties shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws; rules; 以及博彩网址大全当时的政策和规定 activities.

The applicants must identify whether projects include the use of human subjects, animals, hazardous materials, etc. 如果获得奖励,申请人必须持有 appropriate committee approval(s), e.g., Institutional Review Board (IRB), Animal 护理委员会、机构生物安全委员会等., prior to the start of the project.

本拨款申请和任何在回应中提交的提案都不具有 authorize applicants submitting proposals to proceed with any work nor make any financial 在正式以书面形式宣布获奖之前的承诺.

The Women's Commission reserves the right to:

  • Award funding to one or more applicants
  • Not grant an award
  • Cancel the proposal solicitation
  • Conduct discussions or negotiations with any or all candidates submitting proposals

The grants awarded are based on the availability of funds and the applicant's individual needs.


2023 Awardees

  • Lisieux Heulman, Assistant Professor, English as a Second Language Program and Associate Director for Pathway Programs, INTO 博彩网址大全
    Project: Attend 2024 TESOL International Convention
  • Missi White-Lester,研究生医学教育办公室职员/博士生
    Project: Attend AAMC 2023 Leadership Education & Development Certificate Program

2022 Awardees

  • 伊丽莎白·莎莉,文理学院研究生
    项目:重新安置和融入:阿富汗难民妇女在圣. Louis
  • Jingtong Tang, Ph.D.查菲兹大学玛丽·路易斯·默里管理特聘教授 School of Business
    项目:欢迎女性移民和难民到圣. Louis: One entrepreneur at a time
  • Luella Loseille, M.Ed.全球公民跨文化中心助理主任
    Project:  Audre Lorde Scholars Women Symposium
  • Farzan Hoque, M.D., MRCP, FACP,医学院副教授
    Program:  Attend the American Association of Medical College (AAMC) Early Career Women Faculty Leadership Development Seminar and conduct a symposium for Saint Louis University Internal Medicine women residents and faculty

2021 Awardees

  • Shreya Nagendra,公共卫生学院博士生 & Social Justice
    Project: Explore medical providers’ perceptions, barriers, facilitators, and acceptability 共同决策在避孕咨询St. Louis metropolitan region to inform clinical practice and policy.
  • Ellen Kim, Physician Resident, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
    Project: Advancing Minority Female Mental Health through a community-based high school pipeline program for women in psychiatry.

2020 Awardees

  • Jean Krampe, Associate Professor, Trudy Busch Valentine Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing
    Program: Attend & 出席在日本举行的日本公共卫生学会会议.
  • Julie Gammack, Sr. Associate Dean, Graduate Medical Education
    Program: Funds will be used in conjunction with the Graduate Medical Education Office to support a 博彩网址大全 female resident to attend a national leadership skills training program specific to chief residents.
  • 香农·格拉博什,妇产科副主任
    Project: Grabosch and the research team will evaluate meditation using the Headspace smartphone 应用于宫颈癌或子宫内膜癌妇女.

2019 Awardees

  • Thembekile Shato, Ph.D. 公共卫生与社会公正学院候选人
    Project: 了解影响妇女子宫颈癌筛检的因素及 health care providers in Zimbabwe
  • 艾米丽·博伊德,特鲁迪·布希瓦伦丁护理学院的保留率专家
    Cristina McGroarty,特鲁迪·布希·瓦伦丁护理学院助理教授
    Margaret Bultas, Ph.D.特鲁迪·布希瓦伦丁护理学院副教授
    Project: 正念练习对护理学生的影响,一个将评估的项目 the effects of participating in a mindfulness intervention prior to testing on perceived 护生压力、焦虑、自我效能与心理弹性. Exam performance (real and perceived) will be evaluated as well.
  • Jennifer Popiel, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of History
    Project: Women in the Humanities Monthly Lunch, program that advances educational and career 为博彩网址大全女教师提供讨论教学,当前研究和 barriers to advancement

2018 Awardees

  • Dr. 科琳·菲茨帕特里克,儿科外科医生和外科副教授
    Project: Cohort of Homeward Bound Program, traveled with 80 women from 26 countries to Antarctica to tackle a leadership initiative led by women as it relates to heightening the influence 以及女性在塑造我们星球的决策中的影响.

  • Jintong Tang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Management
    Program: 促进校园女性创业,组织工作坊及实地考察 与14名对创业感兴趣的学生一起建立了一个共同工作空间(CIC).

2017 Awardees

  • Chris Sebelski, Ph.D.物理治疗与运动学系副教授 Training
    Lisa Dorsey, Ph.D.,物理治疗与运动学系助理教授 Training
    Vicki Moran, Ph.D.特鲁迪·布希·瓦伦丁护理学院助理教授
    Project: Pathways of Leader Self-Efficacy for Women in Higher Education, a mixed methods research 一项研究观察了多个利益相关者群体中的女性,以评估她们的水平 of leadership self-efficacy and through semi-structured interviews seek to understand the subject’s perceptions of leadership, their advancement trajectory, and perceived barriers. 这些初步数据将作为未来多地点研究的基础 of higher education institutions.

  • 奥利维亚·史密斯勒,航空航天与机械工程系学生
    Program: The Society of Women Engineers Annual Conference, it is the world’s largest conference and career fair for women engineers that focuses on professional development and creating networks for female engineers who are active in their field, returning to engineering, or just getting started.

  • Lisa Fischer, Ph.D., INTO项目学术英语协调员兼助理教授 课程:完成TESOL ELT领导管理证书课程

Leadership Development

The Individual Leadership Development Grant offers funding in support of Saint Louis University women in pursuit of leadership development and career advancement opportunities. 

Community Impact

The Community Impact for the Advancement of Women Grant focuses on projects that exhibit a strong commitment to serve groups of women within the community, particularly projects 这表明了利益相关者的高水平影响. Examples of benefits of such projects include: 

  • 促进妇女的教育和就业机会
  • 帮助妇女克服挑战、障碍或不平等
  • 提供能够提高生活质量的资源