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Saint Louis University’s Office of 研究生教育 has multiple scholarship, fellowship 以及为研究生新生和归国学生提供助学金的机会.

You can also find external funding opportunities via 握手, 博彩网址大全's career and job database.



爱德华·L. 和Rhelda Marbry Morgan博士.D. 捐赠图书基金奖

The Morgan Book Fund Award provides a book scholarship to graduate students at 博彩网址大全 一学年.

The fund benefits full-time master’s degree students studying American studies, biological 科学、通信、言语、语言和听力科学、社区卫生、 English, health management and policy, mathematics, philosophy, physiological sciences, 心理学,公共卫生研究或神学研究.

获得摩根图书基金奖的学生将不符合资格 过去的.

要申请这个奖项,请进入你的奖学金套件 my博彩网址大全 工具和填写一般申请所需的问题. 然后裁决应该是 通过“应用”按钮发布在您的推荐列表中.

应用程序打开 星期五,2024年3月1日,并将关闭 周日,2024年3月31日. 逾期申请将不获受理.

如果提交申请有任何问题,请发邮件给Felicia C. Echols, 学术事务协调员 felicia.echols@chcmarketplace.com


The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition celebrates the exciting research conducted 哲学博士(Ph ..D.)和硕士生. 大学发展 在昆士兰大学(UQ), 3MT培养学生的学术,演讲和研究 沟通技巧. 此外,竞争有效地支持了他们的能力 explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. 今年的比赛将是面对面的.


首届3MT比赛于2008年在昆士兰大学举行,共有160名研究型高等学位学生参加 学生竞争. 2009年和2010年,3MT比赛在澳大利亚推广 and New Zealand universities, and a multinational event was developed, with an Inaugural 2010年在昆士兰大学举行的跨塔斯曼3MT比赛. 自2011年起,概念 cultivating students’ academic, presentation, and research 沟通技巧 have 增加了,现在在900多所大学举行了300多场比赛 全球超过85个国家.


目前在读Ph.D.专业博士(研究)、硕士研究生 who have successfully passed their confirmation milestone (including candidates whose thesis is under submission) by the presentation date are eligible to participate in 3MT比赛.


  • 一张静态幻灯片是允许的. 滑动过渡、动画或 禁止“移动”幻灯片内容的任何描述.
  • 这张幻灯片将在演讲开始时播放.
  • 没有额外的电子媒体(e.g.(声音和视频文件).
  • 没有额外的道具(e.g.、卡片、剧本、指针、服装、乐器、 实验室设备)是允许的.
  • Presentations are limited to three minutes (3:00) maximum, and competitors exceeding 三分钟作废.
  • 演讲以口头形式进行.g.(没有诗歌、说唱或歌曲).
  • 演示应该从一个阶段开始执行.
  • Presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter begins through movement 或演讲.
  • Submissions will be judged on comprehension, content, engagement, and communication. 评审团的决定为最终决定.



  • 第一名:750美元*
  • 第二名:500美元
  • 第三名:250美元

*First place doctoral winner will be able to compete in the regional competition representing 2024年3月博彩网址大全毕业.

出席的登记将于 2023年12月4日,星期一,接近 2024年2月12日,星期一. 现场比赛将继续举行 星期三,2024年2月21日. 

逾期报名恕不受理. 请点击三分钟论文比赛 (3MT®)注册链接: http://form.jotform.com/232884079641162

如果您有任何问题,请联系Felicia C. 学校、学术事务协调员 -研究生教育 felicia.echols@chcmarketplace.com.



The Saint Louis University Dissertation Fellowship is competitively awarded to Saint 路易斯大学博士.D. 在博彩网址大全学习期间, demonstrates outstanding academic achievement and whose dissertation will significantly 在他们的学科范围内扩展知识体系. 有兴趣成为 被提名者应联系所属院系或博士.D. mentor.

Each 11-month fellowship award carries a stipend of $29,500, 12 hours of tuition scholarship 根据所需的论文小时数达到所需的12,和 健康保险. 夏季考勤是强制性的. 没有其他的奖学金,实习, 助理奖学金,类似的任命,或在大学或校外就业 与本团契同时举行.


  • 你已经通过了博士口试并获得候选资格了吗.
  • 被部门提名.
  • 展示杰出的学术成就和提出的论文,将 在你的学科范围内显著扩展知识体系.
  • Preference will be given to those applicants who have completed their prospectus the 早在春季、夏季或秋季.

只接受本系提交的作品. 请与你的部门联系 完成论文奖学金申请包. 部门提名 截止日期 星期一,2023年12月18日. 逾期提交的材料将不被接受.



The Saint Louis University 多样性奖学金 are awarded to newly accepted master’s or doctoral students, or to students in the first year of a program who have a history of outstanding academic achievement, who espouse a commitment to diversity in their discipline, and whose research trajectory and professional goals have the potential 在各自领域的影响力.

Each 11-month fellowship award carries a $29,500 stipend, 18 hours of tuition scholarship during the regular academic year and three hours during the summer session, and continuous 健康保险范围. 夏季考勤是强制性的. 没有其他的奖学金,实习, 助理奖学金,类似的任命,或在大学或校外就业 与本团契同时举行. 有关期望的更多信息 和责任,请阅读 Diversity Fellowship Expectations and Responsibilities for Recipients and Programs (PDF)

The award is for a maximum of two years for a master's degree recipient and four years 博士学位获得者.


  • Be a U.S. 公民,合法永久居民,或DACA接受者.
  • Be accepted as a classified (degree-seeking) graduate student at Saint Louis University.
  • Be a new masters or doctoral student (an applicant may have been enrolled for no more 比前一学期的学位课程少).


  • 至今学业成绩优异
    As evidenced in success in previous degrees and current programs (if applicable) as 以及教师对学生作业的观察
  • 致力于促进学科的多样性
    As evidenced in diversity-related work in the discipline, potential to provide leadership for diversity in the discipline, or other factors identified by the department that 为学科多样性的目标做出贡献
  • 未来对该领域的学术影响
    As evidenced in clear and specialized goals that suggest a promising research trajectory 这将对该领域产生潜在影响

任何希望被博彩网址大全录取的学生 总统研究生奖学金必须在申请时提交一篇论文 《博彩网址大全》. 这篇文章的内容说明概述在应用程序 link.

申请将于 星期三,2023年11月1日,接近 星期五,2024年1月19日. 逾期提交的材料将不被接受. 请点击多元化奖学金 申请链接申请: http://form.jotform.com/232883738443163

如果您有任何问题,请联系Felicia C. 学校、学术事务协调员 -研究生教育 felicia.echols@chcmarketplace.com .


博彩网址大全校长奖学金颁发给新博彩网址大全的学生 master’s or doctoral students, or to students in the first year of a program who have a history of outstanding academic achievement, who demonstrate potential to contribute to the University mission, and whose research trajectory and professional goals have 在他们的领域的潜在影响.

Each 11-month fellowship award carries a $29,500 stipend, 18 hours of tuition scholarship during the regular academic year and three hours during the summer session, and continuous 健康保险范围. 夏季考勤是强制性的. 没有其他的奖学金,实习, 助理奖学金,类似的任命,或在大学或校外就业 与本团契同时举行.  有关期望的更多信息 和责任,请阅读 Presidential Fellowship Expectations and Responsibilities for Recipients and Programs (PDF).

The award is for a maximum of two years for a master's degree recipient and four years 博士学位获得者.


  • Be accepted as a classified (degree-seeking) graduate student at Saint Louis University.
  • Be a new masters or doctoral student (an applicant may have been enrolled for no more 比前一学期的学位课程少).


  • 至今学业成绩优异
    As evidenced in success in previous degrees and current programs (if applicable) as 以及教师对学生作业的观察
  • 对大学使命有贡献的潜力 
    As evidenced in the candidate's articulation of a connection to the mission, mission-related 工作,和/或与使命一致的工作
  • 未来对该领域的学术影响 
    As evidenced in clear and specialized goals that suggest a promising research trajectory 这将对该领域产生潜在影响

任何希望被博彩网址大全录取的学生 总统研究生奖学金必须在申请时提交一篇论文 《博彩网址大全》. 这篇文章的内容说明概述在应用程序 link.

申请将于 星期三,2023年11月1日,接近 星期五,2024年1月19日. 逾期提交的材料将不被接受. 请点击多元化奖学金 申请链接申请: http://form.jotform.com/232883738443163

如果您有任何问题,请联系Felicia C. 学校、学术事务协调员 -研究生教育 felicia.echols@chcmarketplace.com .

For more information about any of 《博彩网址大全》s offered through the Office of Graduate 教育方面,请联系Felicia C. 学校教务协调员 felicia.echols@chcmarketplace.com.


博彩网址大全提供三种研究生助教奖学金. 他们可能 be dependent upon the degree level, the field of study and the length of the appointment.

这些奖学金通常包括为期9个月的学费奖学金 year. Recipients also receive a stipend, 健康保险, and extended library privileges. 助教每周的工作时间不超过20小时.

The majority of graduate assistantships are awarded by the department or program to 哪一个你被录取了. 如果您在申请中勾选了相应的复选框 and have been accepted as a classified degree-seeking student, contact your department 询问是否需要额外的申请和/或面试.

February 1 is the recommended deadline for most departmental assistantship applications. 博彩网址大全校园内还有其他助学金. 有兴趣的学生应直接向行政办公室或中心申请.



执行主要不是教学或研究的职责. 这些可能包括临床 或者是与你的教育相关的行政职责 职业目标.


May work with students in small groups, lead group discussions, monitor examinations and grade papers, help prepare lectures, conduct laboratory sessions, or even be responsible 作为一门课程的主要讲师. 在全体教员的严密监督下, the teaching assistant concurrently develops teaching skills and a deeper understanding 这门学科.


May be appointed in a department with funding from within the school or by the principal 外部资助的研究项目的研究者. 在任何一种情况下,学生 is assigned a range of duties such as library searches, fieldwork, laboratory experiences, and preparation of research proposals and grants, gaining professional skills in research 这是他们研究生教育的补充.


Funder 机会 Deadline
博彩网址大全 大学荣誉研究生奖学金  2024年3月1日


AAUW 美国奖学金  Ongoing
NAGAP 研究生招生管理研究经费 Ongoing
WATER 水研究所研究生研究奖学金 2023年2月1日
Students can also find external funding opportunities at the Career Services website via 握手博彩网址大全的职业和工作数据库.


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