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Saint Louis University 医学院’s 继续医学教育 (CME) program provides high-quality, unbiased educational activities based on the best evidence available to help participants improve patient outcomes within their scope of practice.

Mission Statement: Saint Louis University 医学院 继续医学教育 程序

Saint Louis University 医学院’s 继续医学教育 (博彩网址大全 CME) program provides high-quality, unbiased educational activities based on the best evidence available to help participants improve patient outcomes within their scope of practice. As part of a team of collaborative stakeholders, we help plan, implement and evaluate educational activities to reduce gaps in knowledge, increase performance and skills that will lead to improvement of patient outcomes. Included in our educational activities are updates in clinical medicine, 外科手术的最新进展, review of surgical instrumentation, ethics, end-of-life palliative care, faculty development, communication, patient safety, and interprofessional collaborative practice.

We identify gaps most often by using expert opinion, article reviews, new surgical procedures or instrumentation, updates to recommended guidelines and review of outcome data. Course directors and planning teams are coached to find the best available source of data to prove the need for the educational strategies as they plan activity format 和内容.

We expect our participants to add quality educational strategies to their life-long learning portfolio by choosing the activities that best suit their needs and educational 通过自我评估实现目标. The 博彩网址大全 CME program is designed to provide learners with the tools they need to improve their knowledge, skills and performance to achieve 更好的患者预后. Activities include Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS), Practical Anatomy and Surgical 教育 (请进, hands-on cadaver lab skills training), annual meetings, enduring materials.

Our main participant base is physicians, fellows and residents within our School of Medicine, but we also support regional, national, international participants at the 请进 Lab and through joint provided activities. 我们的许多活动包括 a multidisciplinary aspect that includes nurses, social workers and other healthcare professionals such as Physical and Occupational Therapist and EMS to provide networking and learning environments for a team training approach.

程序 results are evaluated through a sampling of post-activity evaluations, change-of-practice surveys, yearly surveys of the RSS activities, an overall review of the CME program. Evaluation data is shared with course directors, department chairs, the CME committee, the Dean of the 医学院 and the CME directors to help improve the overall CME项目.

The 博彩网址大全 CME项目 changes with the needs of the learners as well as population health crises or issues taking place within our hospital system. We plan and implement activities that will move outcomes in a positive direction.

Below is a list of programs offered by, or in conjunction with, 博彩网址大全 CME. 


Live CME activities take place at a specific time, date and location. 可能会发生 either in person or as live webcasts.

Regularly Scheduled Series Activity (RSS)

Ongoing live conference series with a broad set of objectives that span the course 日历年的. 可能会发生 weekly, monthly or quarterly. 例子包括 Grand Rounds, journal clubs, or morbidity and mortality conferences.


These learning experiences can take place at any time, in any place via online modules, pre-recorded webcasts or physical workbooks.

Practical Anatomy and Surgical 教育

Practical Anatomy and Surgical 教育
Live courses and hands-on cadaver workshops hosted by the Practical Anatomy and Surgical 教育 办公室.